954Cast: Preserve Democracy!
What can YOU as US citizen do to preserve Democracy?
We talk to YOU to hear about your ideas, your thoughts and your proposals. The US is a democracy in development - and YOU are a part of it!
WE Inform!
WE Motivate!
WE Kick YOUR Butt to READ, THINK and VOTE!
Host: Cornelia Gyura
954Cast: Preserve Democracy!
Episode 8: Law Enforcement & Bipartisanship with Al Pollock, Retired Colonel, BSO
Broward Democrats
Every Democrats nightmare: Trump loses big time ( that is the good news) and riots start... and there are police officers who voted for Trump - against law and order! Do we have to be concerned?
Listen to Al Pollock, Retired Colonel of the Broward County Sheriff Office, how he sees our concerns and what solutions there are.