954Cast: Preserve Democracy!
What can YOU as US citizen do to preserve Democracy?
We talk to YOU to hear about your ideas, your thoughts and your proposals. The US is a democracy in development - and YOU are a part of it!
WE Inform!
WE Motivate!
WE Kick YOUR Butt to READ, THINK and VOTE!
Host: Cornelia Gyura
954Cast: Preserve Democracy!
Episode 6: A Shy Independent Voter Turning BLUE!
Broward Democrats
Tune in to my interview with Denise Gallo, 51, Stunt Woman.
She is a shy independent voter turning BLUE, deep BLUE for this election. I amplified her voice, we are using the same mic, she has still a quiet, soft voice. Listen to it anyway - she represents a huge voting bloc in Florida - and most of them are relatively quiet.